Sunday, July 5, 2009


General Santos City is a melting pot of people, culture, and languages. At the least, three main languages are spoken - Filipino, Cebuano and Ilonggo. I am fortunate that I already knew Filipino and Cebuano. Ilonggo is a challenge though I could follow the gist of Ilonggo conversation.

Halong! This is one of the first Ilonggo words I've learned. It means "take care". I like to use this one whenever I say good bye, or a friend is going on a trip or just to bid my friends good day.

I've been living in Gen San for six months already. Bit by bit I've learned and explored the many gems around me. Join me a I find my way around Gen San and it's surroundings.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Gay,

    I am sure you will incorporate more Ilonggo words as you go along. Ilonggo is a very versatile language. You would be able to grasp Cebuano easily as a lot of words are similar. I was able to go around Mexico for a week, using my Ilonggo words which are mostly derived from the Spanish language. Have fun learning and using Ilonggo. :)


Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts. Have a great day!